When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey

Did you use a candy thermometer? My hard candy (I don't use a mix, just sugar, water, and cornsyrup, add flavoring and coloring after pulling off of the heat and right before pooring) always sets within 10-20 minutes. You didn't put it in the fridge did you? Also, don't stir it while it is heating up, will cause air bubbles = clouds.

  1. How To Fix Mushy Crack
  2. When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey Recipe
  3. Bad Crack
Posted by2 years ago

I live on an island somewhere, and you can't get any crack here. The coke however is spectacular. Whenever I get a gram or two, I like to make myself a few hits of what I assume to be crack. I'd like to make sure I'm doing it right:

I use between .4 and .8 of coke, and .1 or .2 of bicarbonate of soda, at a 4:1 ratio with my cocaine.

  • YES! I realise this is an incredibly small amount to be making it with - I just really love having a few hits, and can't otherwise get it!

What I then do is stick that in any normal narrow drinking glass. (I don't have a beaker or shotglasses)


I then moisten it all into a sludge with distilled water, briefly hold the glass over my gas stove flame for a few seconds in order to allow it to boil and then cool so that it forms 'rock bubbles', then add more distilled water so that it stands about two cm above it and once again, heat it up and swirl it.

This has proved to be very inconsistent. I've done it about ten times - twice, I somehow miraculously produced a small white rock that was very solid and tinkled around in the glass. Smoking it was a fuckin' blast.

More often than not, I'm left with lots of 'shards' at the bottom of the glass that I can scoop up onto some foil and that seem to harden fairly fast when put under a light - they fizzle when you smoke them (we don't really seem to need to dry it for long, we're just after a quick hit remember!), but I can't seem to achieve the same power I got when I formed a solid rock!

Am I applying too much heat during either cooking process? Am I simply trying this with too little cocaine? I'd happily cook with more if I knew I was doing it right so far!

My questions are.. Am I retard? Have I been doing this completely wrong? Is what I'm trying even achievable? Can anyone help me out?

Lastly, my last bit didn't sizzle or make noise at all. The rock didn't even really seem to melt properly. It feels like I'm getting worse at making it, and the gear's the same. Any help would be really appreciated fellas!


get a cup melt the msm and por it on the meth wala

Who is Niall Horan and what is his MSN?

niall horan is a wonderful fish that created msn he lives under a rock. and his msn name is da_pimp_is_here

Is meth a crystal?

Crystal Meth Is Not A Crystal As In The Crystals Inside Of A Rock Or Something Like That. Crystal Meth Is Called As It Is Because Meth In The Form Of Crystal Meth Looks Like Crystals or Shards Of Glass. ForShard!

How do you re rock heroin?

How do you re rock meth?

It depends on whether it was dissolved in water or just crushed up. If it was dissolved in water, it should re-crystalize as the water evaporates. If it was crushed up, aside from dissolving it in water and waiting for it to evaporate off, or melting it in a glass pipe and letting it recrystalize, there's no other way that I can think of to return it to its rock form.

Why isn't my msn working but my internet is?

There is a good chance that your MSN software needs to be updated or re-installed. beacuse you have to go to a computer shop!

What rock is a large crystal rock with mixed minerals?

What are some street names for meth?

How To Fix Mushy Crack

Your msn wont show up it says its non responsive how do you get it to work?

Try restarting your computer and then acessing msn again, if this doesn't work you will need to try uninstalling msn and then re-installing it again. Hope this helps.

How would sedimentary rock become a metamorphic rock?

sedimentary rock has to re-melt and re form in a different position. Sql saving changes is not permitted.

How can you tell the difference between crystal meth and rock salt?

How do you re download MSN?

All you have to do is type in 'download msn' it will come up with diffrent websites. Click on anyone and keep doing diffrent ones until the right one comes so then there is a button that says 'downlaod msn now!' or something like that. Now you have to wait for a minute and wallaaa you have msn!

Why cant you type your name on msn?


You could just sign out then sign back in. If that doesn't work, then try re-starting your computer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can type pretty much whatever you like on msn.

What drug begins with the letter m?

What is the state rock of Hawaii?

How does a metamorphic rock becomes an igneous rock?

If a metamorphic rock is buried deeply in the earths' crust it comes under great pressures and temperatures. If these are great enough to re-melt the rock it ceases to be metamorphic and when it cools, it re-crystallizes into an igneous rock.

How do you undo msn plus ctrl-space function?

When all of your msn is hidden, an icon should appear in the devices tray (bottom right). Just double click it and all of your windows should re-open!

Can metamorphic rock melt to form sedimentary rock?

No. If a rock melts and then re-solidifies, then by definition the resulting rock is igneous.

Can a metamorphic rock go back into and igneous rock?

Yes. A metamorphic rock can melt and the re-solidify as an igneous rock.

What are the trumpet notes for Hard Rock Blues?

re re mi re do re re re mi re do re la la la sol sol sol re re mi re do re then repeat

Is copper a metamorphic rock?

No copper is not a metamorphic rock no-re is it a sedimentary rock or igneous it is actually a element!

How much meth will cause you to fail drug test?

not much at all if you do as little as a 20, you,re screwed for a few days

What causes a metamporphic rock to become an igneous rock?

Is it possible for a metamorphic rock to become an igneous rock?

Yes. If the metamorphic rock melts and re-solidifies then it becomes an igneous rock.

How do factories make rock candy?

It's like how Walter White makes crystal meth in breaking bad

How metamorphic rock change into igneous rock?

it has to be melted and then has to re-solidify. Heat (lots of it) to melt the rock is what is needed.

What is Alyson Michalka's MSN?

she has got msn and i have her msn my msn is melisounette1@hotmail.fr

Is there any medication that can make you test positive for crystal meth?

first of all 'crystal meth' is methamphetamine cooked in a rock or 'crystal' form. meth can be found in a prescription drug called desoxyn which contains 5mg of methamphetamine hydrochloride used as a last resort for severe ADHD or short-term treatment for obesity.so yeah you'll probably get tested positive you WILL get tested positive for meth if you take a meth-based ecstasy pill

How can a metamorphic rock can be changed into an igneous rock?

By a process of melting and re-solidification of the melt produced.

What is my msn?

Your msn is your msn email ( or your own one ) That you use to sign into Windows live messenger (msn).

What is a rock breakage?

A Rock Breakage is a rock that breaks when its age is old. They can be found at the Trench where rocks re formed and rocks that are old

What is the drug named blue rock?

Most likely a messed up form of meth, they used a chemical that shouldn't of been use.

How do you say Tienes MSN in English?

As a declarative: You have MSN. As an interrogative: Do you have MSN?

How can a sedimentary rock be re-formed?

A sedimentary rock can be reformed by metamorphosis, melting, erosion and relithification, amongst other things. The re-formation would consist of the destruction of the original rock, which would then be reassembled. For example if there is a sandstone, which was then weathered and eroded, then buried and lithified, you would say it had been re-formed.

Does An intrusive igneous rock becomes a sedimentary rock?

It certainly can become a sedimentary rock if it is weathered, broken down, transported, and re-lithified.

How can a sedimentary rock be re formed?

There is a rock cycle and every rock goes around from Igneous to Sedimentary to Metamorphic and then it repeats itself again.

What do you say if someone says you have a msn?

well if you have msn and you like them say yes if you don't have msn say i don't have msn if you have msn but don't like them say yes but i forgot it

Does Richard Wisker have msn or Bebo?

he has msn but not bebo His msn is r.wisker@hotmail.com

How can a metamorphic rock change into another rock?

Yes. A metamorphic rock can be metamorphosed into a higher-grade metamorphic rock. It can be weather into sediment and re-lithified into a sedimentary rock, or it can melt then solidify to become an igneous rock.

Is MSN webmessenger and MSN the same thing?

Web messenger is online. You dont have to have MSN to use it. MSN is a program that does the same thing.

Did Adolf Hitler invent crystal-meth?

No, but he really liked meth. He took meth himself, and he had his soldiers take it.

What year did rock with you come out?

How do you load msn on to your computer?

Depends what you want ethier msn live or msn. Msn should already be on your computer if not that's easy type it in on Google 'Windows Msn download' and pick your choice. The same for Msn live but Type in 'Windows Msn Live download'. Hope i was useful!! (:0)

How do say msn in Japanese?

What is the meaning of msn?

Can you get back into raven rock on fallout?

No, after its been destroyed or not been destroyed you cannot re-enter Raven Rock

How can a metamorphic and nsedimentary rock can turn into a igneous rock?

By being melted (usually following subduction) and then re-solidifying.

What is the main processes when metamorphic rock turns into igneous rock?

The main process would be the melting and re-solidification of the material present in the metamorphic rock.

In msn what is smarter child's msn?

his email is smarterchild@hotmail.com whats ur msn

When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey Recipe

What is the difference between MSN messenger and MSN hotmail?

Bad Crack

MSN Messenger Is Chatting, Webcam And Microphone As MSN Hotmail Is Just You Inbox And Your Space,

How can gneiss be identified?

A banded metamorphic rock formed from the re-heating and re-pressuring of granite and similar igneous rocks.