Fallout 4 R91 Assault Rifle


After some hard campaigning and insignificant Government mandated 'safety' improvements, we can finally bring to you the custom 'Massachusetts' version of our popular R91 Rifle. Throw away those other so-called 'Assault Rifles' and choose the gun proven by the National Guard of our very own Capitol. Rifle R91 Assault Rifle Fallout 4 to find out where to get the best deal on Rifle R91 Assault Rifle Fallout 4. If the Rifle R91 Assault Rifle Fallout 4 is integrated that you must have, be sure to order now to stay away from disappointment Click on right here to find out exactly where to get the very best deal on Rifle R91 Assault Rifle Fallout 4.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Mod nameNotes
Another R91 retexture
Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls
Better Locational Damage PL
FF7Cloudstrife and Monitorman Weapons - AWKCR Patch
Minutemen Reforms
R91 Retexture - Polymer stocks
R91 Standalone Assault Rifle - French
R91 Standalone Assault Rifle - Polish Translation
R91 VR position fixThe weapon mod. critical for this fix to work.
SWA - Simple Weapon Apparelrequired with weapon apparel
Universal Patch Installer - Fallout 4 EditionOptional, but required for selected files
Visual Reload Compatibility Patches
Weapon re(Balance)
Permissions and credits

Author's instructions

The Mesh and Textures in this mod are by arby26: http://gamebanana.com/models/2540
His Model and Textures are licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA in brief http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ and in full http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode
Following this license, the entirety of this mod is also governed by the CC-BY-NC-SA.
Do let me know if you use parts of this mod (no permissions necessary though), I'd love to see what people come up with!

File credits

This mod would not be possible without the fantastic Mesh and Textures by arby26, view his original here: http://gamebanana.com/models/2540

Donation Points system

Send to desktop missing. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points


Fallout 4 Assault Rifle Mod

  • Polish
  • French
XboxR91 assault rifle fallout 4 xbox one

Translations available on the Nexus

PolishR91 Standalone Assault Rifle - Polish Translation
FrenchR91 Standalone Assault Rifle - French