Best Dark Souls 3 Mods

  1. Best Dark Souls 3 Mods 2017
  2. Best Dark Souls 3 Mods Pc
  3. Dark Souls 3 Mod Tool

Cinders aims to provide a fresh experience through Dark Souls 3, expanding upon lackluster aspects of the original game and opening up more methods of.

Posted by5 months ago

Best Dark Souls 3 Mods 2017

After seeing the great work put in by DaS1 modders with overhauls such as Daughters of Ash, I was pleasantly surprised to see ambitious mods for DaS3. This one in particular caught my eye and I thought it would be interesting to share.


The mod adds in cut content such as special weapons found in the game files while also overhauling the magic system. Mod creator Xylozi gives a helpful overview:

  • Cinders aims to expand the breath of gameplay by bring the weaker styles, such as magic, archery, etc up to par with traditional melee weapons. In general things have been buffed and heavy investment into a particular style should feel more rewarding than vanilla.

  • Rings have been altered, changing the weak or useless rings and adding new effects to them. Many of the magic related rings have been made less vital, focusing on auxiliary effects rather than direct damage increases.

  • Armor has been given many new effects, similar to Dark Souls II, encouraging the use of pieces that fit your playstyle. Heavier armor has had its absorption increased so there is more of a reason to actually wear it.

  • Magic and the FP system have been changed to allow for pure spellcasters. Focus Points now regenerate whenever a spell tool is held, allowing for spellcasters to use FP just as swordsmen use stamina.

  • Spells themselves have been altered, making them more potent. Casting times and other attributes have been changed to match spellcasting with the rhythm of Dark Souls 3 combat.

  • Item placement and drops have been changed extensively. Progression is slightly less linear and useful items have been moved about, changing the flow of the game.

  • To maintain the difficulty of the game, enemy scaling has been increased in this mod. This means bosses and enemies are hardier and deal more damage. New Game Plus has been ramped up so it is now more of a noticeable increase.

There are several articles detailing the changes in much more depth and it is quite extensive. Perhaps not to the degree of a mod like Daughters of Ash, but seeing such strides made in the DaS3 modding community gives some hope of similarly ambitious efforts down the line. Now if only we could get such mods for DaS2 :P

What are your thoughts on the mod if you've played it?


10. First Person Cam

Best Dark Souls 3 Mods Pc

Creator: Zullie the Witch

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Best dark souls 3 mods boss rush

Before Dark Souls, there was Demon Souls, and beforeDemon Souls there was King’s Field, a little-known RPG developed and publishedby FromSoftware, and released exclusively in Japan. In the game, players takeon the role Jean Alfred Forrester, a son searching for his missing father inthe underground graveyard of a dead king.

Like the Souls series, King’s Field was notoriouslydifficult, prioritising dungeon exploration and open-ended gameplay, as well asa menacing, gothic atmosphere.

Dark Souls 3 Mod Tool

However, although the similarities between thetwo series were numerous, there was one vital difference: King’s Fields was apredominantly first-person experience, and lacked the methodical, defensivegameplay style of Demon/Dark Souls.

Inspired by the 1994 original, the ‘First Person Cam’mod allows players to experience Dark Souls 3 in first-person, finally bridgingthe gap between the two divergent franchises. It isn’t perfect, and it doesmake certain aspects of the game almost impossible, but it’s a lot of fun, andundoubtedly worth a download, if only for the experience itself.